Asbestos Testing in the South West

Do you suspect the presence of asbestos on your premises?

The word ‘asbestos’ raises fears for many but asbestos only really poses a problem if it is disturbed. However, the testing, monitoring and management of asbestos is compulsory under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. The ‘duty to manage’ asbestos is outlined in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, stating that whoever owns, has control of or has responsibility for a building, whether it’s a single occupancy or a multi-occupancy building, is responsible to ensure the appropriate management of asbestos.

If asbestos is left undisturbed, it poses a very low risk to humans, but a risk remains nonetheless. Sometimes asbestos removal isn’t the best option, and an effective management plan can prove better in the long term.

Hatch Consultancy is an asbestos management company offering a specialist consultancy service in the south-west. We can carry out asbestos surveys, testing and management for anyone who suspects asbestos on their premises. Hatch Consultancy boasts an experienced team of asbestos testing professionals who are equipped to carry out all the tests needed to locate and identify asbestos.

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