Asbestos Re-Inspection
“If existing asbestos containing materials are in good condition and are not likely to be damaged, they may be left in place, their condition monitored and managed to ensure they are not disturbed.” (HSE)
In order to comply with the asbestos regulations it is important to monitor the condition of any identified asbestos containing materials (ACMs). Hatch Consultancy can re-inspect any previously surveyed property to update the information held within the asbestos management plan.
Over time, asbestos-based products can degenerate or be accidentally damaged thereby causing the risks associated with the material to change substantially.
The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 requires that the condition of ACMs must be inspected regularly and records updated accordingly. The frequency of the asbestos inspection regime should be dictated by the nature of risk that the asbestos poses. The risk is assessed by the type, extent, condition and location of the asbestos.
If you would like any further information, or to discuss your requirements, please email or call 01822 742 995 or 07769 326428.